A brief history of my pet mice.
Colour: White, Name inspiration: The elf.
Snapdragon was one of my first mice. His name was Snap, but Snapdragon suited him better. He was very friendly. He lived the longest of the original three. He very briefly alone, and then was bought three new baby mice to look after and live out his old-mouse days with.
The Kraken.
Colour: White, Name inspiration: The elf.
The Kraken was one of my first mice. He was small and white. His name was Crackle, but The Kraken suited him better. He was the biggest of the three original white mice and was really cute.
Colour: White, Name inspiration: The first artificial body to orbit the Earth
Sputnik was one of my first mice. He was tiny and shiny (small and white).
Colour: Brown & white, Name inspiration: The Soyuz-type spacecraft, first used in 1966, and still used in 2018
Colour: Ginger & white, Name inspiration: The Vostok spacecraft. Vostok 1 took the first human into orbit in 1961.
Colour: Grey, Name inspiration: The planned Soviet moonbase project.
She was a good litle moon-mouse.
Colour: White & light grey, Name inspiration: The Salyut program of space stations.
Colour: White & light grey, Name inspiration: The Mir space station.
Mirly, my mouse
Colour: White & black, cow-coloured, Name inspiration: The Almaz program of military space stations.
She was my cow-mouse.
Colour: Black with a white diamond on her undersoft, Name inspiration: The first module of the International Space Station that was launched.
Colour: Dark brown & white, Name inspiration: The Skylab space station.
Colour: Dark brown with a white mark on her head, Name inspiration: A component of the International Space Station.
Poisk was very small, even for a mouse.
Colour: Silvery white, Name inspiration: The Lunokhod programme of soviet moon rovers.
Known as Luna, she was a very curious, friendly mouse.
Saturn V.
Colour: Ginger & white, Name inspiration: The rocket that launched the spacecraft of the Apollo moon-mission.
A chill little girl.
Colour: White with brown markings on top, Name inspiration: The rocket that launched the Sputnik, and many others.
This mouse was an African-Soft-Furred rat! She was very fearless and very soft and would investigate the world with her sharp lil teeth.
Colour: White with black markings on top, Name inspiration: The military satellites.
Molniya is an African Soft Furred Rat.
She is very timid and scared but so soft if you can catch her. She is indescribably cute
Colour: Dark grey, Name inspiration: The military satellites.
Colour: Light grey with a white band, Name inspiration: The designation given to many Soviet satellites.